Clinical Trial Marketing Budget Calculator For Patient Recruitment

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) can help speed up the enrollment process as part of a successful patient recruitment campaign using digital marketing. Use this calculator if you are a sponsor or CRO trying to reach the right patients and meet your enrollment goals on time, and on budget.

Total Available Audience

Note: Estimate the total amount of people experiencing the study indication.

1 350,000,000

Estimated Cost Per Lead

Note: If you are unsure, the industry average is $35 per lead.

$0 $5,000

Conversion Rate

Note: If you are unsure, the industry average is 0.2%. Please note that the conversion rate will decrease based on the complexity of an online pre-screener, if one is being used. The more complex the pre-screener, the lower the conversion rate.

0% 30%

Randomization Rate

Note: If you are unsure, the industry average is 5%

0% 100%


Number of Leads
Estimated Number of Randomizations

Projected Budget

$ 0