Our Solutions
US Recruitment employs a complete set of solutions to ensure patient recruitment is gathered and filtered with efficiency to match the need of each clinical trial. Our solutions include Digital & Social Advertising, Website Design & Development, Custom Data Flow Management, Campaign Management, Custom Reports & Live Tracking, and Patient Engagement & Retention, all under the expertise of our staff of professionals.
Digital & Social Advertising
With over 4.48 billion social media users across the world, US Recruitment utilizes the power of paid advertising. Filter your audience and attract prospective patients. Our marketing strategist will craft the most engaging campaigns for your clinical research.
Facebook Ads Boasting an average conversion rate of 9.21%.
Instagram Offers massive benefits in terms of image-related advertising.
TikTok Over 65.9 million monthly active users.
YouTube With a conversion rate that routinely exceeds 12%.
Display Ads Targeting methods involving geography and past web search history.
Paid Search Harness the power of keywords of a specific condition or symptom.
Find out more about Digital & Social Advertising
Campaign Management
Be unstoppable in the art of listening to your patients and delivering the exact solutions that they’re looking for. Tune in to the conversations of consumers already talking about their health-related issues on social media and other digital channels – an opportunity that your clinical research efforts can’t afford to miss. By truly taking the time to implement campaign management, we’ll help you identify prominent channels within the most popular platforms and get at the very core of what motivates your patients to act.
There’s almost infinite information to draw upon when conducting your patient recruitment.
Find out more about Campaign Management.
Custom Data Flow Management
We’ve developed a strong custom data flow management system at US Recruitment which recruits a steady stream of qualified patients. You’ll quickly be able to reach your target sample size with ease. Simplifying the process gives you the time to focus on your research.
We utilize thousands of key data points that popular social media platforms operate on. This is near 4 billion potential trial participants that we tap into. Once we narrow down the data to find the most eligible patients for your research, we build it into a custom portal dedicated to the specific needs of your research.
Find out more about Custom Data Flow Management
Website Design & Development
When it comes down to the heart of it, your clinical trial website will be the only place that your patients truly get to learn the most about your research. If you want to entice as many of them as possible to sign up, you’ll need to ensure that your website can stand out from the crowd. That’s where US Recruitment can help out as the website design and development solution you’ve been waiting for.
Don’t hesitate to contact us today about how we can create a stunning website for you that successfully converts potential patients into actual patients.
Find out more about Website Design & Development
Custom Reports & Live Tracking
Data-crunching is what we do! We believe in powerful insights to improve our patient recruitment campaigns. We start with detailed research and social listening to gain the viewpoint of the patients we need to attract for your clinical research. Then, we’ll use statistical power tools to make accurate predictions and optimize the data with your end goal in mind. Our data-loving team works to ensure that your return is maximized for your investment.
We provide ongoing reporting to help your trials surpass their benchmarks. Consistent analytics and continuous updates are being made for maximum efforts. With so many qualitative and quantitative variables involved, we rely on superb analytics to guarantee the numbers won’t fail your campaigns.
Find out more about Custom Reports & Live Tracking
Patient Engagement & Retention
Getting patients involved in a research study is only the first step. Making sure participants stay engaged throughout is an important challenge. To keep time-intensive solutions in place, we need to make sure patients stay with the program. That’s when our retention strategies keep the ball rolling hassle-free.
Let’s make patients as excited about your research as you are. By taking an in-depth look at potential barriers a prospect might face, we exercise our psychological brains to find the right incentives to keep patients coming back for more. Creating a worry-free experience for your study and its participants, we understand the need for retention practices to co-exist along with your research.
Find out more about Patient Engagement & Retention