Campaign Management
It’s no secret that most clinical trials often fail before they even get a chance to lift off the ground. Why is this so?
The problem isn’t usually the fault of the researcher’s science, nor is it the fact that their research isn’t attractive enough. In reality, it’s simply due to the fact that patient retention and recruitment is nothing short of tough.
Tune in to the
To put that challenge to numbers, it’s known that nearly ⅕ of trials struggle to even recruit a single patient. And even if they do somehow recruit enough participants, the researcher still faces the risk of losing almost 25 percent of them.
However, even though plenty of trials fail, a lot of them still manage to encounter great success and retention. So, what exactly differentiates between the trials that barely make it versus the ones that end up producing tangible results?
Patient-Centric Marketing
It all comes down to solid digital marketing campaign management. No matter how life-changing a clinical researcher’s trials may be, they’ll never make it if they’re never marketed out in a patient-centric way.
Luckily, if you’re unsure about how to effectively market your trials out to a broader audience, you’ve got US Recruitment on your side. With years of experience in campaign management for clinical research, we’re ready to help you introduce your vision to the world like never before.
Take a look below at a few of the patient-centric digital marketing strategies we can empower your campaign with:
Exceed Your Benchmark Goals
In order to move on to the next phases of your trials, you’ll first need to pass your benchmark goals. In working with US Recruitment, you’ll help us get familiarized with what you need to achieve so that we can develop a comprehensive campaign strategy within your budget that’s guaranteed to work.
Optimize Your Website
We’ll take a look at the structure of your website and optimize it for a fresh new look that stays relevant with your current campaign goals. Along the way, our team will help you develop new content that keeps your prospective patients engaged and updated.
Develop a Social Media Strategy
In leveraging the power of social media, we’ll give you a premium brand presence on some of the Internet’s most popular platforms. You can leave the content creation, optimization, and tactics to us as we work hard to get your research in front of the eyeballs of targeted audiences. Additionally, we’ll explore the possibilities of pay-per-click advertising and influencer marketing as options to further spread the word.
Foster Community Building
Your research is truly only as good as your patients. That’s why it’s so crucial to develop practices that will encourage patient retention. US Recruitment can help you achieve this by setting community-building practices in place. Whether it be frequent email updates, newsletters, branded goody bags of materials, or interactive content, we’ll employ every solution possible to keep your patients coming back for more.